
We make decisions collectively, first and foremost by consent.

In short, the decision process begins when a proposal is put forward at the appropriate venue, and ends when either there are no substantive objections to the proposal, or there are objections such that the proposal cannot proceed.

A summary diagram of the decision-making process is in progress here.

We aim to strike a balance between hearing everyone’s views on a proposal, and making decisions within a reasonable time frame. The consent process helps us to ensure everyone gets a chance to voice their opinions or concerns. Hearing from others can help us to clarify and improve proposals, and results in stronger buy-in which is important when it comes actually following through the outcome of a proposal.

If someone has concerns, but does not wish to block a proposal, they can formally consent with reservations, and their concerns will be recorded and revisited when it is time to review the outcome of the proposal.

If an objection stands after the proposors have tried to resolve it, a decision can go to a majority vote.


Majority voting

Our company rules say…


Decision making in Subgroups